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PPSN food bank helps needy fishermen community

PPSN food bank helps needy fishermen community

Diterbitkan oleh Buletin Mutiara • 23/07/2021

THE Pusat Perkhidmatan Setempat Nelayan (PPSN), also known as the stakeholders’ engagement centre, has set up a food bank to assist the needy fishermen community in the south of the Penang island.


The food bank was established early this month and it has so far benefitted 75 recipients, comprised old folk, single mothers and the disabled.


PPSN information officer Mohammad Qhidir Sabri said those in need were deeply affected by the movement control order.


“Some of them are finding it very hard to even buy groceries. There are also people who were formerly fishermen, and are now old and living alone.


“We will send food to those whom we have identified. The recipients can also collect the food from the PPSN offices,” Mohammad Qhidir said.


He hoped that the food bank programme could continue until the end of the Covid-19 pandemic.


“We have a few donors who pledged to donate food once every two weeks. We welcome more people to contribute so that we can help more needy people in the community.


“The food items that are needed are rice, sugar, cooking oil, eggs, flour, soy sauce, condensed milk, coffee powder and tea powder,” he said.

Food items are being distributed to the needy.

In addition to the food bank, PPSN has also distributed chicken meat to 200 needy families from Permatang Damar Laut, Teluk Kumbar, Sungai Batu, and Gertak Sanggul to mark the Hari Raya Aidiladha. Majority of the recipients are fishermen.


The aid was presented on July 19.


Bukit Gemuruh Village Community Management Council (MPKK) secretary Rusmawati Hashim, 44, welcomed the food aid programme.


Housewife Zinab Said, 46, said many of her friends were affected by the MCO.


“Some of them lost their job, others had their pay cut,” Zinab added.


PPSN was set up by the Penang government in 2016 to help the fishermen in the south of the Penang island.


State Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Ahmad Zakiyuddin Abdul Rahman, who is also the Penang Fishermen Task Force chairman, said that the PPSN has been playing its role to care for the people’s welfare, especially the fishermen.

Ahmad Zakiyuddin.

PPSN has assisted in many ways including helping fire victims, those affected by floods, and helping to repair old village houses.


Those who wish to assist PPSN by contributing to its food bank can call 1800 88 6393, or visit the offices at Permatang Damar Laut or Gertak Sanggul.


Story by Christopher Tan

Pix courtesy of PPSN

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